Breast Lift in Mountain View, CA

At An Enhanced You, breast lift patients from Mountain View, the South Bay, San Jose, and all of Northern California benefit from caring personal attention and individualized treatment planning intended to help them achieve their personal appearance goals. Learn more about breast lift surgery using the links below, or contact our plastic surgery center to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lowen.

He is truly skilled and does fantastic job

Dr Lowen had done my breast augmentation almost 15 years ago and I was satisfied with the results, recently one of them ruptured and I booked to get them removed and to also get a breast lift. I was happy to talk to him after all these years and find out and he is still practicing. I scheduled my surgery with him and drove almost 300 miles just to have him do this procedure for me and paid out of pocket and I can say that it was all well worth the effort and the cost. He is truly skilled and does fantastic job. I appreciate his work very much and hope that he never retires.

Breast Lift Overview

Breast Lift Overview

Mastopexy means to lift the breast. Dr. Lowen performs the breast lift procedure to elevate the nipple and reshape the breast with the goal of recreating the ideal breast shape: nipple in the center of the breast, a conical shape with fullness in the upper breast, a round shape when viewed from the front, and a gently curving lower contour that meets the chest wall with minimal overhang.

Dr. Lowen recognizes that women who are candidates for breast lift surgery may have experienced stretching of the breast after childbirth or nursing, weight gain, and loss, or sagging associated with loss of breast volume after pregnancy or as a result of the aging process. Stretch marks may be present, and the areola may be larger than desired. Additionally, patients who have previously undergone breast augmentation may have experienced stretching of their skin envelope and wish to have a lift.

Enhanced results will be achieved in some cases by combining the lift with breast augmentation with implants, either at the time of the breast lift or as a staged second procedure three to six months after the lift. A breast augmentation with lift, also called a breast lift with implants, can increase breast size, projection, and perkiness while simultaneously reducing breast droop. However, in cases where no increase in size or projection is required, a breast lift without implants is often the ideal choice.

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Minimal-Incision Breast Lift with Augmentation

Dr. Lowen specializes in minimal-incision breast lifts with augmentation. Dr. Lowen understands that women want firmer, more youthful-looking, uplifted breasts but do not want the long scars usually associated with breast lift surgery.

Over the years, he has worked hard to perfect his technique and achieve a long-lasting and pleasing breast lift with minimal scarring. This scar is only around the areola and not below the breast surface or in the inframammary fold.

Women are often unsure if they need a lift when they come in for a breast augmentation consultation. If they are informed that they do need a lift, they are much happier to learn that it can be done within an incision only around the areola (periareolar).

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Breast Lift Result Mountain View
Breast Lift Result Mountain View

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Breast Lift Incisions: Types of Breast Lifts

Dr. Lowen notes that, as in breast reduction, three variations of incisions are commonly used in breast lift surgery. The choice of incision pattern is based on the distance that the nipple or areola will be raised, the patient’s personal preference, whether the lift is being done on a breast that has or has not had previous breast augmentation surgery, and whether or not augmentation is also desired.

The discussion of incisions and techniques parallels the discussion of breast reduction, except that breast lift patients often want either an augmentation or a small reduction.

Standard or Classical Breast Lift

Incisions are made around and below the areola (pigmented area around the nipple) and in the fold below the breast (infra-mammary fold). The pattern is known as an “inverted-T incision” and is useful when the skin has lost much of its elasticity or the nipple needs significant elevation. Additionally, this technique is often used when a breast augmentation is desired, either at the time of breast lift or, preferably, as a later, staged procedure.

Concentric, Peri-areolar (Around the Areola) Breast Lift

Also known as purse-string breast lift, this mastopexy technique involves placing an incision only around the areola. The goal is minimal scarring on the breast, but the best results will be obtained only when there is mild to moderate nipple elevation required. Breast augmentation is often requested in conjunction with the peri-areolar incision.

Vertical Scar Breast Lift

For this technique, incisions are made around and below the areola down to the inframammary fold. No incision is made along the inframammary fold during the initial procedure. Occasionally, a short inframammary incision is required at a secondary revisional procedure.

The goal of the vertical scar breast lift is minimal scarring along the fold, and it is an excellent choice for patients who desire a breast lift with no increase in volume or when a slight reduction is desired.

Vertical Scar Breast Lift with Horizontal Extension (Inverted T)

Excess skin in the vertical direction may be too much to be absorbed into the vertical scar closure, and then a horizontal incision in the inframammary fold will be required to remove the excess. We try to keep the length of the horizontal scar as short as possible.

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Breast Lift Recovery

Dr. Lowen notes that breast lift patients typically return to work after one week. The aerobic activity must be limited for about two months. Internal healing that will support the breast in the future takes time. A bra is worn day and night for the first six weeks. Smaller lifts, such as a peri-areolar lift, require less time for recovery and return to work. Sutures are removed between four and 14 days, depending on the technique.

Once all mastopexy healing is complete, patients can enjoy their beautiful and natural-looking results in the form of perkier breasts without sagging. For a better understanding of your potential results, view breast lift before and after photos in our gallery.

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Breast Lift Cost

There is no one-size-fits-all breast lift, and because of this, the price of the procedure varies depending on each case’s details. The techniques used, the amount of tissue removed, and the time required to perform the surgery all affect the cost of mastopexy.

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Arrange Your Consultation

During your breast lift consultation at our Mountain View center serving San Jose, South Bay, and all of Northern California, the procedure can be discussed in more detail. Contact us today to arrange your consultation.

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  • How is a Breast Lift Different from Breast Augmentation, and Can They Be Combined?

    A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, raises and recontours the breasts to achieve a more youthful look, specifically addressing sagging without altering their size. Breast augmentation, on the other hand, increases breast size with implants. Combining these procedures can lift and enlarge the breasts simultaneously, improving their shape, projection, and firmness.

  • What Can I Expect from a Breast Lift in Terms of Shape and Size?

    A breast lift can significantly improve the breast’s shape by elevating drooping breasts and repositioning the nipples. While it primarily addresses the position and firmness, it does not substantially change the breast size. For those looking to increase their breast size, combining a breast lift with augmentation is recommended.

  • How Long Do the Results of a Breast Lift Last?

    The results of a breast lift are long-lasting but not permanent. Factors such as aging, gravity, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy can affect longevity. Maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle can help extend the results. However, natural aging processes will eventually continue to affect the breasts’ shape and position over time.

  • Will I Have Scars After a Breast Lift?

    Yes, scarring is inevitable with a breast lift due to the surgical incisions required. The extent and location of the scars depend on the technique used. Common incision patterns include around the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, and sometimes along the inframammary fold. These scars are expected to fade and improve over time but will not disappear completely.

  • Can a Breast Lift Affect My Ability to Breastfeed?

    A breast lift can potentially affect breastfeeding, depending on the extent of the surgery and the specific techniques used. While many women are still able to breastfeed after a mastopexy, it’s important to discuss your future breastfeeding plans with Dr. Lowen during the consultation process to tailor the surgical approach accordingly.

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