Breast Reduction in Mountain View, CA

Breast Reduction Overview

Reduction mammoplasty, or breast reduction is performed in order to reduce the size of large, heavy breasts. Women who want this operation may have symptoms of neck, shoulder, or upper back discomfort, chafing under the breasts, grooving of the skin under their bra straps, and poor posture. Breast reduction may also be desired if the patient finds that her breasts interfere with activities and exercise, or her sense of attractiveness, self-confidence, or self-esteem.

The goal of breast reduction is to obtain a more attractive breast contour and smaller breast size, relief of symptoms associated with excess weight of the breasts, an improved self image, and increased ease of movement in daily activities and exercise. The surgery is done under general anesthesia either as an outpatient procedure or in the hospital. Depending on the patient’s age, general health, and extent of the reduction, an overnight hospital stay may be required. Dr. Lowen will discuss your options prior to a final decision.

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Breast Reduction Consultation

During this consultation, you will share your goals and expectations for the procedure. Dr. Lowen will ask you about your medical history, including any illnesses, surgeries, and allergies. You should expect him to ask about your personal and family history of breast cancer, as well as whether or not you’ve had mammograms or biopsies.

During your visit with Dr. Lowen, he will recommend a breast reduction treatment plan tailored to your unique health status, medical history, and desired outcomes. A thorough physical examination, including an inspection of your breasts, will be performed. Dr. Lowen will talk about the process of giving anesthesia, the possible complications, and the expected results.

Breast Reduction Candidates

Women whose oversized breasts cause them bodily discomfort and make it difficult to engage in certain activities are excellent candidates for breast reduction surgery. Ideal candidates do not have plans for future pregnancies or breastfeeding, since these can affect results.

Patients who are in good overall health are ideal candidates. Non-smokers are preferred, since smoking can lead to complications during and after surgery. If you are a smoker, you will need to quit several weeks before your breast reduction. Having realistic expectations regarding the results of this procedure is key.

Breast Reduction Incisions

A brief summary of the possible breast reduction incision types is included below. Visit our Mountain View center to learn more.

Standard or Classical Breast Reduction

Standard breast reduction incisions are made around and below the areola (pigmented area around the nipple), and in the fold below the breast (infra-mammary fold).

Vertical Scar Breast Reduction

This technique involves incisions placed around and below the areola down to the inframammary fold. No incision is made along the inframammary fold at the initial procedure. Occasionally a short inframammary incision is required at a secondary revisional procedure. The goal is minimal scarring along the fold.

Concentric, Peri-areolar Reduction

Also called purse-string breast reduction, this technique involves the placement of an incision only around the areola. The goals is for minimal scarring on the breast.

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Breast Reduction Recovery

Dressings and a supportive brassiere remain in place during the first week after breast reduction surgery. Sutures are removed between one and two weeks, and patients may undertake light activity during the first two weeks and return to light work at two weeks. A non-constricting support bra is worn day and night for the first two months. Scars gradually fade over a six to 12 month period. During your breast reduction consultation Dr. Lowen can provide more detailed information about what to expect during your recovery based on your individual needs.

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Insurance Guidelines

Insurance coverage may be available for the breast reduction procedure. Photographs and a letter documenting the condition are sent to the insurance company and a request for authorization is obtained in order to schedule surgery. However, smaller breast reductions done primarily for cosmetic reasons may not be approved by insurance carriers, who may set restrictive criteria for insurance coverage in terms of volume removed. The professional staff at An Enhanced You can help you understand your options and make educated choices about your care.

Find out more about breast reduction by contacting our Mountain View plastic surgery center. We serve the South Bay, East Bay, and the entire San Francisco Bay Area from our conveniently located office.

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